Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Farnborough Show Day 10

Farnborough today much the same as other days
A mixture of Show demo flight and visitors .
French Army . Netherlands AF , Belgian AF
And Italian AF with An A319CJ MM MM62243

F-WWDD On Finels after todays Display

Todays Show listing:

* 14.09 DA 20 Falcons (FRA)
* 14.10 Airbus A380
* 14.25 Aero Sekur Skydiving Team
* 14.32 DA 20 Falcons (FRA)
* 14.42 Hal Dhurv
* 14.49 Sea Hawk
* 14.58 Vulcan
* 15.00 Red Arrows
* 15.16 Vulcan
* 15.24 Eurofighter/Typhoon
* 15.36 B1B
* 15.40 M 346
* 15.41 F-16
* 15.49 C-27J
* 15.50 BA 609
* 15.51 F-18
* 15.59 M 346
* 16.07 BA 609
* 16.14 The Blades
* 16.15 C-27J
* 16.23 The Blades
* 16.39 Vimy

After show saw BIZ departures after the biz part
of show ended. Few demo flights by F18 -C27J.
The Tag movements restarted at 1715 With a big
Departure list if visitors and based Aircraft .
363 days a year Farnborough is a very busy place
many of the types on show are To be seen
A319 B737 A320 A318 Gulstreams and many more.

Local tv had an interview with the crew of Vulcan
XH558 and pictures of its Display .you can see
more at